Monthly Archives: October 2015

FAQ: How is The One Repo different from SHARE?

This logo-share-177x131is a question that comes up again and again when we’re talking about the One Repo: how is it different from SHARE?

SHARE stands for SHared Access Research Ecosystem. It is an initiative of academic libraries in the USA, initially created as a response to the OSTP memo on public access. This memo was an important game-changer for how scholarly publishing will work in the USA, effectively expanding the NIH’s very successful public access policy across most federally funded research.

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Regional/national/subject subsets in the One Repo

We’ve recently added an interesting new feature to The One Repo’s user interface. Now, any subdomain of the domain can be configured to provide access to a regional, national or subject-based subset of the harvested targets. For example, is set up to search only the US-based repositories.


We could equally set up for the union of all physics repositories, for example; or for European repositories.

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